Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions used by Sprint Consulting Kft.

I. Preamble

The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) is to regulate, in a comprehensive manner, all general elements of the contractual relationship between Sprint Consulting Llc. (company registration number: 01-09-981936; registered address: 1082 Budapest, Corvin sétány 2. A (hereinafter: Provider), other businesses in direct or indirect ownership of Provider, as well as companies cooperating with Provider in the scope of provision of services, and natural and legal person clients using services of Provider (hereinafter: Client).

Client hereby acknowledges and accepts that, by way of submitting his/her/its electronic application via websites www.sprintconsulting.com and/or www.sprintacademy.com, or signing an individual written agreement between Client and Provider and accepting the GTC, an individual service contract is concluded between Parties, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the present GTC.

In case of trainings/workshops Client accepts the provisions of the present GTC simultaneously with the submission of his / her / its application via websites www.sprintconsulting.com and / or www.sprintacademy.com or by e-mail, or in a given case, simultaneously with the acceptance of the offer given by Provider, which Client shall accept as binding upon himself / herself / itself.

If an individual, written agreement is concluded between Client and Provider, Client accepts the provisions of the GTC by signing this agreement. If in the individual written agreement Parties expressly deviate from certain provisions of the present GTC, then the provisions of GTC shall only be applicable to the contractual relationship concluded between the Parties to the extent that Parties did not deviate from the provisions of the GTC.

II. Definitions

Provider: for the purposes of the present GTC, Provider shall be Sprint Consulting Llc. (company registration number: 01-09-981936; registered address: 1082 Budapest, Corvin sétány 2. A; VAT number: 14567975-2-42).

Client: for the purposes of the present GTC, Client shall be the natural or legal person or other organisation or economic entity without a legal personality who / which uses the Service.

Service: all business and other management consultancy and advising types of activity, training, workshop, coaching or other teaching-type service that Provider offers to individual Clients in accordance with conditions set forth in the present GTC or otherwise in their agreement.

Online Service: all business and other management consultancy service and advising type of activity, training, workshop, coaching or other teaching-type service that Provider offers to Clients in accordance with conditions set forth in this GTC in such a way that neither Client using service and participants belonging to organization of Client, nor trainers and consultants delegated by Provider are physically present, and service is provided by way of using digital telecommunications and audiovisual devices.

Consumer: any natural person acting for purposes outside his trade, business or profession.

www.sprintconsulting.comand www.sprintacademy.com: websites operated by Provider, through which Client can submit his / her / its application electronically for the use of certain services offered by Provider.

Public / open training / workshop: such training or workshop for which the necessary equipment and infrastructure is made available by Provider and at which several, independent natural and/or legal persons (the latter by way of natural persons designated by it) may participate simultaneously.

In-house training / workshop: training or workshop for which the necessary equipment and infrastructure, as well as the location (the latter of which may not be identical with the place provided by Client for the participants as their place of work), and provision of catering services for participants shall be the obligation of Client.

Certified training / workshop: such training or workshop after the completion of which and upon the successful passing of the related exam, participants can receive a unique and globally recognized certification provided by a certain institution, and for the provision of which service Provider uses participation of so-called certified trainers.

Offer: the document drawn up by Provider, in which Provider gives a detailed presentation of service or services offered by it (with an indication of purpose, content and structure of given service, as well as the prerequisites), and also service fees (divided into fixed and variable costs).

Framework Agreement: an agreement concluded between Provider and Client, in the subject of use of services offered by Provider, in which Parties regulate their legal relationship in a comprehensive, framework-like way. If a Framework Agreement is concluded between Parties, this GTC shall be applicable only in that case if Parties expressly agree in the application of the GTC in the Framework Agreement.

Individual written agreement: a contract concluded between Provider and Client in which Parties may, with mutual agreement, deviate from individual provisions of the present GTC, or may agree that requirements set forth in the GTC are not applicable to the contract.

Participant: a natural person who is personally present and participates at event(s) organized in the framework of provision of the Service.

III. The scope of the GTC

Personal scope of the GTC

The scope of the present GTC also extends to the legal relationship concluded between Provider, its affiliates, as well as companies cooperating with Provider in the framework of provision of the Services, regardless where registered seats of such affiliates and cooperating companies are located, and Client, by way of application for or ordering of the Services.

Temporal scope of the GTC

The present GTC enters into effect upon publication by Provider, and it remains in effect until revoked or amended by Provider.

For the decision in any dispute arising between Provider and Client in connection with the present contract, provisions of the GTC accepted at the time of the application and / or the ordering of the service shall be applicable.

Geographical scope of the GTC

The scope of the present GTC shall extend to all services provided by Provider or its foreign branch office in the country according to registered seat of Provider, to an EU member state or third country, or to services provided by foreign branch office of Provider to the country in which such branch office has its registered seat.

Substantive scope of the GTC

The present GTC regulates the contractual relationship between Provider and Client, aimed at the provision of business and other management consultancy and advising types of activity, training, coaching or other teaching-type services.

Provider expressly calls the attention of Client that the scope of the present GTC does not extend to those legal relationships for which a Framework Agreement containing individual terms and conditions are applicable, except for the cases where Parties agree differently in the Framework Agreement. In accordance with the above, the contractual relationship pursuant to the present GTC is not concluded between Client and Provider in case Client or its employee orders the services offered by Provider via the www.sprintconsulting.com and / or the www.sprintacademy.com website or otherwise as specified in Chapter VIII of the GTC, and at the same time Client or its employee accepts the provisions of the GTC, despite the fact that a Framework Agreement was concluded between Provider and Client which Agreement is not based on the provisions of the present GTC. If a Client with a Framework Agreement not based on the provisions of the present GTC or its employee orders the services, Provider shall, in a reply message, inform the person submitting the application that, due to the existence of a Framework Agreement (except where Framework Agreement does not include rules and provisions applicable to the use of the given service), ordering of service(s) shall not result in the conclusion of a contractual relationship, and further that ordering of the service(s) shall be considered as valid if it takes place in accordance with the requirements of Framework Agreement

IV. The availability and amendments of the GTC, competence and jurisdiction

Provider shall ensure that Client may become familiar with and interpret the provisions of the GTC before accepting it.

Provider shall make available the current, effective version of the GTC on websites www.sprintconsulting.com and www.sprintacademy.com.

Provider reserves the right to unilaterally amend the provisions of the GTC at any time. Provider shall publish the amended GTC 15 (fifteen) days before the effective date of the same on the websites www.sprintconsulting.com and www.sprintacademy.com.

With respect to all legal relationships covered by the scope of the present GTC, independently from the citizenship of Client or the place where the service is used, the law according to the registered seat of Provider, and specifically provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code, Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Activities and Information Society Services, as well as Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.) on the Detailed Rules Governing Contracts between Consumers and Companies shall be applicable.

With respect to the processing of personal data by Provider, the relevant provisions of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council (General Data Protection Regulation), as well as Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information shall be applicable.

Parties wish to settle any disputes arising from the contractual relationship primarily by way of amicable negotiations, outside of litigious proceedings. If the negotiations between Parties yield no results, or it can be foreseen that the efforts to settle the dispute will be unsuccessful, Parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the District Court of Székesfehérvár (8000 Székesfehérvár, Dózsa György út 1) and the Court of Law of Székesfehérvár (8000 Székesfehérvár, Dózsa György út 1). If the amount in dispute reaches or exceeds HUF 5,000,000 (five million Hungarian forints), Parties submit their dispute to the procedure by the Court of Arbitration attached to Budapest Bar Association

V. The processing of personal data

Provider warrants that it shall control all personal data coming into its possession in connection with provision of services in compliance with the relevant provisions of data protection laws.

Further, Provider warrants that its data processing activities pursued in course of the present contract shall comply with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council (hereinafter: GDPR), as well as Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information (hereinafter: Information Act); and therefore, Provider warrants in particular, but without limitation, that it has the necessary legal basis for the controlling of personal data, that it engages in data controlling activity in the interest of achieving a legitimate purpose, for the duration of time and for the scope of data indispensable for achieving that purpose.

Provider calls the attention of natural persons who are affected as data subjects of data processing activities that they may exercise their rights vis-a-vis Provider as controller and related to the controlling of their personal data in the manner described in the privacy notice of Provider.

The detailed rules of the data processing activities performed by Provider are included in the privacy policy prepared by Provider and published on its website, which is directly accessible at the following link: https://www.sprintconsulting.com/privacy-policy-cookies

VI. The definition of services offered by Provider

Clients may use the following types of services offered by Provider:

A) Consultancy / coaching type of services (mainly, but not exclusively in the topic of agile)

  • ad hoc coaching, consultancy
  • assessment, audit, agile readiness assessment
  • full-scale introduction (transformation)
  • rapid transformation (bootcamp)
  • management training and presentation

B) Training / workshop type of services

  • in-house training / workshop
    • certified training / workshop
    • non-certified training / workshop
  • public / open training / workshop
    • certified training / workshop
    • non-certified training / workshop

Provider shall continuously publish general information regarding the individual services offered by it, as listed in both points A) and B) on the website www.sprintconsulting.com under “Coaching” and “Training” menu items, as well as on website www.sprintacademy.com under “Offering” menu item.

Provider reserves the right to use in the present GTC, as well as on www.sprintconsulting.com and www.sprintacademy.com websites, such English-language terminology and definitions the use of which is internationally accepted in connection with Services offered by Provider.

Provider warrants that it provides the service for Client in the highest professional quality, in accordance with the relevant standards. Provider is in possession of all the professional qualifications and technical conditions that are necessary for the performance of all tasks arising in connection with the provision of the Services.

Provider shall, in course of the provision of the Services, act in accordance with its own, internal rules of procedure, in such a way that Provider shall perform the tasks constituting the subject of the contract continuously, with reasonable care and diligence, and shall organize its activities in such a way that the performance of the tasks is ensured in a professional way, with due attention given to the Client’s best interest.

VII. The establishment of an individual legal relationships

The present chapter details how the legal relationship is established between the Parties.

The individual contractual relationship for the performance of Service(s) may be established between Provider and Client in the following ways:

1) via Website

2) via e-mail

3) by way of accepting an Offer

4) on the basis of a Framework Agreement.

1) Ordering Service via Website

If Client orders any of the training / workshop services offered by Provider via websites www.sprintconsulting.com and / or www.sprintacademy.com, the contractual relationship between the Parties is concluded upon the submission of the order and the acceptance of the GTC.

2) Individual application to use a certain service

If Client wishes to use a service for which it is not possible to apply via websites  www.sprintconsulting.com and / or www.sprintacademy.com, Client shall contact Provider directly. After the establishment of contact between Parties, Provider shall send Client the individual order form necessary for ordering the Service(s), which Client shall duly complete and send to Provider to the info@sprintconsulting.com e-mail address. In the individual order, Client shall declare that he / she / it accepts the provisions of the GTC as binding upon himself / herself / itself.

If an individual written agreement was concluded between Provider and Client in which Parties deviated from Section VII. 1) of the GTC, then Client may also order the training / workshop services by way of the individual order form in the annex attached to and constituting an inseparable part of the individual written agreement, by way of sending the completed individual order form to the info@sprintconsulting.com e-mail address. In the individual order, Client shall declare that he / she / it accepts the provisions of the GTC as binding upon himself / herself / itself.

The individual contractual relationship for the provision of services ordered in accordance with the present subsection shall be established when Provider undertakes a written obligation for the performance of the service indicated in the individual order.

3) Ordering Service by way of accepting the individual offer given by Provider

The request for an offer for the provision of the services may be initiated

In case of contact via website, Client should click on the “Contact” menu item on the www.sprintconsulting.com website, or on the “Get in touch” button on the subpage appearing under the “Coaching” menu item. On the form popping up, Client should provide company name, data of the contact person (first name, last name, e-mail address and phone number), as well as provide information on which service he / she / it is interested in, and specify the parameters that are needed by Provider to provide an offer (e.g. planned number of participants, location, topic, date / time, etc.). Client can only submit his / her / its request for an offer after ticking the checkbox to indicate his / her / its acceptance of the present GTC, as well as having become familiar with and acknowledged Provider’s Privacy Policy.

If Client wishes to request an offer from Provider via the www.sprintacademy.com website, he / she / it should first click on the menu item “Upcoming”, and then on the button “I need”, and submit his request after completing the fields of the online form appearing on the screen, accepting the GTC, as well as declaring to have become familiar with and acknowledged Provider’s Privacy Policy.

Client may also request an offer with respect to the provision of the individual services by way of sending a message to the info@sprintconsulting.com e-mail address, provided that Client sends to Provider all the information that is important from the perspective of providing the service.

Provider reserves the right to direct Client requesting an offer by way of e-mail to websites www.sprintconsulting.com and   or www.sprintacademy.com, for the purpose to submit his / her / its request for an offer via the online form.

A request for offer may also be received by way of contacting Provider via phone and / or in person.

Unless Parties agree otherwise verbally, Provider shall contact Client within 1 (one) business day regarding necessary details for the preparation of an offer. On the basis of the criteria provided by Client, Provider shall prepare and send an offer for the provision of the Service(s) to e-mail address of the contact person specified by Client, along with the information that the ordering of the selected Service(s) shall be valid in case the offer acceptance is confirmed by Client within the time limit specified in the offer.

Provider reserves the right that in case specifications given by Client are not sufficient for the preparation of an offer in its opinion, Provider may contact Client’s contact person directly using the contact information made available for this purpose by Client.

The individual contractual relationship for the provision of Service(s) is concluded between Parties upon Client’s written confirmation of the offer received from Provider.

If Parties wish to deviate from provisions of the present GTC, they shall draw up the details thereof in an individual written agreement. With respect to questions on which Parties do not expressly agree in a written agreement, the provisions of the present GTC shall be applicable.

4) Ordering Services in case a Framework Agreement was concluded between the Parties

In case a Framework Agreement is in effect between the Parties, where provisions are different from those of the present GTC, the Framework Agreement applies to the individual contractual relationships between the Parties and the individual contractual relationship for Client’s use of Service(s) offered by Provider shall be concluded primarily in the manner prescribed by the Framework Agreement. If Parties did not expressly define the manner in which individual contractual relationships may be concluded, these shall take place in accordance with the provisions of the present GTC, with attention to the type of Service(s) used by Client.

VIII. The detailed rules applicable to Ordering Services

The present chapter details the process of  ordering services on the basis of a legal relationship concluded between the Parties.

1) Ordering Service via Website

A) The process of application

Client may apply to training / workshop type events organised by Provider via application interface available on websites www.sprintconsulting.com and /or www.sprintacademy.com, by way of providing his / her / its personal and contact information required by Provider.

Client can find the list of the services offered by Provider on the website www.sprintconsulting.com, under “Training” and “Training Calendar” menu items, as well as on the www.sprintacademy.comwebsite under “Offerings” menu item.

Supplementary information related to the services (including, among other things, information on trainers and target audience, a short description of service and its objective, list of prerequisites, content / structure of service) are accessible to Client by clicking on certain types of services or the “I’m interested” button. Clients may also select events at which they wish to participate in terms of date / time and location.

Client may move to the application interface by clicking on the “Apply now” button located below the list of the most important information related to the individual events (date, language and duration of event, normal service fee and early bird service fee, possible trainer).

For the application to be valid, Client shall be required to provide certain data via the application interface, which varies depending on whether the obligation to pay the service fee is undertaken by a private individual or an organization.

If Client pays service fee as a private individual, Provider requests the following data:

  • first and last name of the participant;
  • e-mail address and phone number of the participant;
  • name of the company where the participant is employed;
  • billing details (country, postal code, city, street address);
  • TAX ID.

In case service fees are paid by another organisation instead of the participant, the following data need to be entered for the application:

  • name of company / organisation that pays the service fee;
  • first name, last name, e-mail address and phone number of the contact person of the company / organisation;
  • number of participants, participants’ first and last name, participants’ email address;
  • billing details (country, postal code, city, address, tax number).

In case of all applications, the location and date Client wishes to participate at the event shall be indicated with the use of a drop-down list, regardless of who pays service fees. If Client wishes to inform Provider concerning where he heard about Service provider, as well as Service(s) offered, this can be selected from a drop-down menu.

Client may, if he / she / it so requires, indicate on the application form, that he / she / it wishes to receive information sent by Provider in e-mail on further courses and services by clicking a checkbox for this purpose.

After completing all required data on the application form and accepting the provisions of Provider’s GTC, including in particular conditions of cancellation detailed in Chapter XIof the GTC and acknowledging the same as binding upon himself / herself / itself, and also declaring to have become familiar and acknowledged Provider’s Privacy Policy, Client may submit the application via website by clicking on the “Apply” button at the bottom of the form.

After submitting the application, Provider’s system shall send an automatic reply message to Client, which serves the purpose of certifying the receipt and the content of Client’s application, but shall not constitute an acceptance of the application by Provider, and shall not give rise to an obligation on the part of Provider to provide service indicated in the application either.

By clicking on the “Apply” button, Client acknowledges his / her / its payment obligation for the use of the selected service, except for the case when Client withdraws the order prior to the provision of the service or cancels his / her / its intention to participate at the event / training within such a time frame that, under the provisions of Chapter XI, he / she / it is not yet required to pay a cancellation fee.

Provider calls the attention of Client that in case fields marked on the form with an asterisk are not filled and Client does not make the required declarations, the system shall not allow the submission of application. Provider calls the attention of Client that in case it becomes obvious after the submission of the application that Client entered false information in course of application, Provider may invalidate the application upon learning of this fact.

Further, Provider calls the attention of Client that Provider primarily accepts applications submitted electronically, via websites www.sprintconsulting.com and / or www.sprintacademy.com.

By way of derogation from the above, in case of services that cannot be ordered via websites www.sprintconsulting.com and / or www.sprintacademy.com, or which Clients are unable to order due to technical reasons, or where Client has earlier indicated his / her / its intention in writing to use a given service, Provider reserves the right to also accept orders sent by Clients to the e-mail address info@sprintconsulting.com.

In the e-mail message regarding the ordering of the service, Client shall indicate at least the following information: number of participants, type of service selected, the planned date and location, Client’s name, phone number, e-mail address and billing details.

B) Confirmation of application

Provider shall send a written confirmation of the acceptance of Client’s application sent via website or via e-mail, in a message sent to the e-mail address entered by Client during the application.

Provider reserves the right to confirm the application submitted by Client at a later date, in this case Provider shall contact Client in writing within 2 (two) business days after the receipt of the application. 

Provider calls Client’s attention that Client may only demand the provision of the service from Provider at the time shown in the confirmation of the order when Client’s application has been confirmed.  

Provider calls Client’s attention that an application sent by Client or the confirmation sent by Provider may only be considered as received by the other party, when it becomes accessible to the addressee.

Provider shall not be liable in any way in case the e-mail message containing the confirmation of the application is not received by Client due to the reason that the e-mail address given by Client was incorrect or the message could not be delivered due to the fact that the mailbox used by Client was full.

Provider undertakes a warranty for provision of the service ordered by Client, as well as for the amount of the service fee applicable at the time when the service was ordered. The warranty shall not cover cases where,  Provider has to modify the original date of the event or has to cancel the event due to reasons that could not be foreseen at the time when Client’s application was accepted, along with a simultaneously offered new date, if such unforeseen reason emerged on the side of Provider.

2) Further cases of ordering Services

In case of services offered by Provider, that were not ordered via websites www.sprintconsulting.com and / or www.sprintacademy.com, Client may order the services by way of sending an electronic message to info@sprintconsulting.com e-mail address or by way of contacting Provider directly.

In case of Clients with an individual written agreement who, on the basis of the provisions of such agreements, do not use online interfaces of Provider when submitting their order, ordering of services may take place in such a way that Clients indicate to Provider their request for the use of service in writing, by way of an electronic message sent to the e-mail address specified in their agreement or – where individual agreement expressly provides so – Client shall submit information necessary for provision of the service in an individual order form constituting an annex to the agreement.

If Client wishes to use a service for provision of which – at the express request of Client – Provider gives an individual offer to Client, Client shall order services by way of making a written declaration on the acceptance of the offer.

If Parties concluded a Framework Agreement with each other, Client shall order services offered by Provider in such way specified in Framework Agreement.

IX. Prerequisites of using the Services

Provider expressly calls the attention of Client that it offers detailed information concerning the events organised by it on its website and in the offer, which information also includes whether there are any prerequisites related to participation at the given event.

By submitting his / her / its application, Client acknowledges and accepts that in case application is submitted without these prerequisites being satisfied, Provider excludes its liability concerning any effectiveness of the service that may be expected or hoped by Client.

Client further acknowledges that in the absence of satisfying the prerequisites, Provider does not undertake any liability or warranty that Client will be able to understand the material taught and the information provided in the framework of the event, nor that Client or participants will be subsequently able to use the same in practice.

X. Service fees, payment

By ordering certain services in a way specified in the present GTC, Client acknowledges and accepts that he / she / it shall have an obligation to pay the service fee.

Provider shall publish the current service fees of open (public) training / workshop services on the website www.sprintconsulting.com, while in all other cases, service fees shall be specified in the offer given to Client or at the time of the confirmation of services ordered in other ways.

If the location where the service is provided is the country of the registered seat of Provider, then Provider shall specify service fee both in HUF and EUR. In case of cross-border services, the service fee shall be determined in EUR only.

In case Client pays Provider service fee in a currency other than service fee was specified, Provider shall convert service fee on the basis of the individually determined HUF / EUR exchange rate published on the www.sprintconsulting.com website, which exchange rate shall be valid for 6 (six) months from the date of its publication. Provider reserves the right to adjust the exchange rate published on website www.sprintconsulting.com also within the above mentioned period of 6 (six) months, if HUF / EUR exchange rate published by the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB) differs from the exchange rate published by Provider at least + / – 2%.

The service fees published by Provider are net fees, not including the amount of VAT. Provider charges VAT at different rates depending on the type of service used, as well as on the location where the event is organised.

The per diem costs of trainers and consultants delegated by Provider, as well as the travel expenses and the payments for the travelling times shall be primarily paid by Provider. Provider reserves the right, however, to charge these expenses to Client.

In case of online applications submitted via the website www.sprintconsulting.com, Client shall pay the amount of service fee to the bank account and by payment due date specified on the proforma invoice sent after the acceptance of Client’s application, or pay the same at the time of submitting application by way of online payment with a bank card. Provider reserves the right to set the country the service would be provided as a condition for accepting online payment with a bank card. In case of online payment with a bank card, after entering the data on the application interface, Client shall choose the option to pay with a bank card, after which Client shall be automatically transferred to the secure payment site of CIB Bank Zrt., where the fee for the selected service may be paid by way of providing the bank card information.

Provider calls Client’s attention to the fact that, as a general rule, an application for individual services / events (e.g. all cases of public / open trainings / workshop, certain in-house trainings / workshop, etc.) may only be considered as valid and will only entitle Client to participate at the event if Client paid the amount of service fee simultaneously with the submission of application, or by due date specified on the proforma invoice, but in any case no later than on day before the date of the related event.

Provider expressly calls the attention of Client that in case the amount of the service fee for training / workshop services is not credited to Provider’s bank account in full, Client or the participant associated with Client may not attend the event concerned.

In case of training / workshop type of services, Provider shall issue an advance invoice within 1 (one) business day after payment of service fee by Client, using the billing date entered by Client in course of application, and then Provider shall issue a final printed invoice with the amount of service fee paid within 8 (eight) business days after the event (which shall not require any financial settling), and shall send the same to Client by postal mail and / or e-mail.

Provider also reserves the right to provide a discount for the use of services in case of certain conditions, including in particular, but without limitation, to charge a discounted service fee for Clients who paid service fee in full at least 1 (one) month before the first day of the training.

Provider shall issue its invoice for the service fee, at its own decision, either before provision or after completion of services.

In case of provision of service fees charged at a daily rate, Provider shall invoice to Client the service fee to be paid monthly, after the provision of services.

If Provider invoices to Client the amount of service fee to be paid after completion of service, Client shall satisfy its payment obligation within 15 (fifteen) days after the issue date of the invoice.

Provider calls Client’s attention that in case the service fee is not paid by the due date specified on the invoice, Client shall pay to Provider all additional expenses incurred as a result of late payment of the service fee, including in particular the amount of late payment interest charged after the amount of the service fee that was paid late, extent of which shall be the central bank’s base rate of interest plus eight percent points.

Provider calls the attention of Client that the fact in itself that Client uses several services offered by Provider shall not result in providing a full-scale Agile transformation or an Agile coach training or other Agile role (e.g., without limitation, an Agile Leadership, Product Owner, Scrum Master) for Client. A service of such complexity on the part of Provider would require significantly higher professional and financial investment and organisation in comparison with the provision of individual services, which is not covered by service fees of individual services and related costs. If Client wishes to use a service which is aimed at a full-scale Agile transformation or Agile coach training or the provision of other Agile role (e.g., without limitation, an Agile Leadership, Product Owner, Scrum Master), the intention to use such services shall be expressly indicated to Provider.

Client acknowledges and accepts that in case Provider duly performs its obligations arising from the present contract, i.e. service is provided, Client shall not have the right to demand refunding of service fee paid under any legal title.

Provider expressly reserves the right in case of certain types of services, as well as in case of participant number determined by Provider, not to make preparatory steps for provision of service until service fee has been fully paid by Client for all participants. Provider calls the attention of Client that the above provision does not exclude Provider’s right to demand from Client the cancellation fee in accordance with the conditions of cancellation in case of occurrence of an event giving rise to such demand.

XI. Conditions of cancellation

Participation at events organised by Provider is voluntary in all cases; in other words, Client may cancel his application or modify the same at any time, subject to conditions in this chapter.

The conditions of cancellation applied by Provider vary depending on the type of service ordered by Client.

1. In case of application to a training / workshop, the following conditions of cancellation shall be applicable

Client may cancel or modify his / her / its application free of charge, if notifying Provider in writing, at least 21 (twenty-one) days before the first day of the event.

In case of cancellation or modification of application by Client, Provider may charge a fee (cancellation fee) in the following amounts, depending on the date of cancellation or modification:

  • 25% of full service fee in case of cancellation or modification within 21 to 15 (twenty-one to fifteen) days before the first day of the event;
  • 50% of the full service fee in case of cancellation or modification within 14 to 8 (fourteen to eight) days before the first day of the event;
  • 75% of the full service fee in case of cancellation or modification within 7 to 2 (seven to two) days before the first day of the event;
  • 100% of the full service fee if the cancellation or modification is received by Provider on the day of the event or the preceding day.

2. In case of consultation or coaching services, the following conditions of cancellation shall be applicable

Client may cancel or modify his / her / its application free of charge, if notifying Provider in writing, at least 10 (ten) days before the jointly determined first day of the event.

In case of cancellation or modification of the order for service by Client, Provider may charge a fee (cancellation fee) in the following amounts, depending on the date of the cancellation or modification:

  • 25% of full service fee if Client does not notify Provider of his / her / its intention to cancel or modify the order at least 7 to 10 (seven to ten) days before the first day of the service;
  • 50% of full service fee if Client does not notify Provider of his / her / its intention to cancel or modify the order at least 5 to 6 (five to six) days before the first day of the service;
  • 75% of full service fee if Client does not notify Provider of his / her / its intention to cancel or modify the order at least 3 to 4 (three to four) days before the first day of the service;
  • 90% of full service fee if Client’s cancellation or modification request is received by Provider 2 (two) days before the first day of the service;
  • 100% of the full service fee if cancellation or modification request is received by Provider on the first day of service or the preceding day.

3. If Client orders a transformation project, the following conditions shall apply to the cancellation of the order

Client may cancel or modify his / her / its application free of charge, if notifying Provider in writing, at least 45 (forty-five) days before the jointly determined first day of the event.

In case of cancellation or modification of the order for the service by Client, Provider may charge a fee (cancellation fee) in the following amounts, depending on the date of cancellation or modification:

  • 20% of full service fee if Client does not notify Provider of his / her / its intention to cancel or modify the order at least 44 to 31 (forty-four to thirty-one) days before the first day of the service provision;
  • 40% of full service fee if Client does not notify Provider of his / her / its intention to cancel or modify the order at least 30 to 21 (thirty to twenty-one) days before the first day of the service provision;
  • 60% of full service fee if Client does not notify Provider of his / her / its intention to cancel or modify the order at least 20 to 15 (twenty to fifteen) days before the first day of the service provision;
  • 80% of full service fee if Client does not notify Provider of his / her / its intention to cancel or modify the order at least 14 to 8 (fourteen to eight) days before the first day of the service provision;
  • 100% of full service fee if the cancellation or modification is received by Provider within 7 (seven) days before the first day of the service provision.

4. The rules of cancellation applicable to all service types

In addition to the cancellation fee, Provider may also charge to Client all expenses that have already been incurred at the time of cancellation / modification or constitute a payment obligation for Provider (e.g. flight tickets, accommodation booked, etc.) in the course of making preparations for provision of services.

By submitting his / her / its application, Client acknowledges and accepts that in case Client or the participant related to Client does not appear at the event, the entire amount of the service fee shall still be due to Provider, and Client may not demand the refunding of the service fee previously paid to Provider.

Provider reserves the right to modify date / time of published events or to cancel events, provided that Provider shall notify registered Clients in writing concerning the new date / time when the event is held. Provider may postpone the event to a date later than what was originally published if the number of participants indicated by Client does not reach the minimum number determined by Provider in advance.

Provider expressly calls Client’s attention that he / she / it is only entitled to claim the refund of the service fee paid, in case Provider does not hold a published, but postponed event at a later time, or postpones a published event for a second time. Provider shall refund to Client the service fee paid by Client within 30 (thirty) days after one of the conditions applicable to refunding the service fee is satisfied.

Provider shall also inform Client concerning the conditions of cancellation or modification of applications or orders for provision of a service in an electronic message sent to the e-mail address provided at the time of application.

XII. Further conditions related to certain services provided

A) Further conditions applicable to all types of services

In the interest of ensuring the contractual performance of a service, Provider shall only cooperate with trainers and consultants selected and appointed by Provider, which means (in the absence of a different agreement between Parties in this respect) that Client shall not have the right to determine or select trainers or consultants.

In course of the provision of any type of service, Provider shall strive to provide the highest professional level of service that may be expected. Provider expressly calls Client’s attention, however, that the success and quality of the service is strongly dependent on the contribution of Client. If Provider concludes that there is a risk in the provision of a high quality  service for professional reasons, the service may be suspended for an indefinite term with prior notification of Client for such duration of time when circumstances giving rise to suspension are in place. Provider expressly excludes its liability for damages in connection with suspension of the service.

Provider reserves the right to use other contributors, in addition to its own trainers and consultants, during the performance of its obligations arising from the present contract, to which the express consent of Client shall not be necessary.

Provider shall have exclusive right, in the framework of the provision of the service, to determine the manner in which the individual events are organised, as well as schedule and the topics of those events.

The events organised in the framework of provision of service shall be held at the following locations, concerning which Provider shall inform Client in advance in all cases:

  • in the city where the registered seat of Provider is located; or
  • in the city where Provider’s foreign branch office is registered; or
  • in a city other than either of the above mentioned.

The language in which the service is provided for Client shall be Hungarian or English.

Provider shall grant access to the relevant materials of events / services for participants of the same, with use of such materials being subject to the requirements set forth in Chapter XIIIof the present GTC on confidentiality and copyright.

If Client is a legal person or other organisation without a legal personality, Provider shall have the right to include Client – with the help of its company name, logo or other designation – among Provider’s references, in offline and online materials, as well as to refer to the fact of cooperation in course of its marketing activities, without Client being entitled to any fee from Provider.

B) Further conditions applicable to training / workshop type of services

1) Common criteria

Provider calls Client’s attention if after completion of a training / workshop participants will be entitled to obtain a certification provided by a certain institution, the condition of receiving a certification are that participants are present and actively participate at training / workshops during its entire duration, and after completion of training / workshops they take an exam required by the institution granting certification in the materials of the same within the prescribed time limit.

Provider calls the attention of Client that in case of training / workshops lasting several days, service fee for the entire duration shall be charged with respect to all participants, regardless of whether or not the participants attended each day of the training / workshop.

2) Public / open training / workshop

Making available the venue where service is provided shall be the obligation of Provider.

The training / workshop organised by Provider shall be held as an open (public) event, which means that, on the one hand, participants belonging to several organisations may be simultaneously present at it, and on the other hand, provision of all assets necessary for the provision of services, as well as the relevant infrastructural conditions shall be the task of Provider.

The duration of training / workshops shall be published by Provider on the website www.sprintconsulting.com, as well as specified in the offer prepared by Provider; in the absence of different information, individual training shall be held in intervals of 4 (four) or 8 (eight) hours per day.

After successful completion of training/workshop, Provider shall issue a certificate of completion to all participants of the training / workshop.

3) In-house training / workshop

Provider provides its services in case Client undertakes exclusivity, under which during the period of 3 months preceding and following the use of services hereunder, none of Provider’s competitors shall have the right to provide services for Client that are identical or similar to Provider’s services.If Client wishes to conclude a contract with another provider aimed at the provision of services that are identical with those defined in the present GTC, Client shall inform Provider of this fact prior to the conclusion of that contract, in writing.

Service shall be provided on workdays in principle. Any deviation from this rule is only possible if Provider agreed with Client in writing that provision of services takes place on weekends or holidays at the express request of Client.

The duration of the trainings / workshops shall be published by Provider on websites www.sprintconsulting.com, and www.sprintacademy.com, as well as specified in the offer prepared by Provider; in the absence of different information, individual trainings shall be held in intervals of 4 (four) or 8 (eight) hours per day.

Provider shall be responsible for making available the place of service, which may not be the same as the place of work provided by Client for participants. Client shall contact Provider in due time prior to the provision of service in order to clarify if the place selected by Client satisfies the expectations and requirements of Provider.

The professional equipment, infrastructure, as well as provision of catering services for participants necessary for holding the event shall be primarily provided by Client; on the basis of the agreement between the Parties, performance of these obligations shall be the responsibility of, and the expenses incurred in connection with the same shall be borne by Client. In due time prior to the provision of service, Client shall contact Provider in the order to clarify if equipment and infrastructure obtained or intended to be obtained satisfy the expectations and requirements of Provider.

In case of in-house training / workshops, Provider generally determines a minimum and a maximum number of participants, which may vary depending on type of the event. If determination of service fee is based on the number of participants, Client shall be required to pay a service fee for at least the minimum number of participants even in case the number of participants does not reach that minimum number.

C) Further conditions applicable to coaching, consultancy, assessment-type of services provided at a fixed price or at a daily rate

Provider provides its services in case Client undertakes exclusivity, under which during the period of 3 months preceding and following the use of services hereunder, none of Provider’s competitors shall have the right to provide services for Client that are identical or similar to Provider’s services.If Client wishes to conclude a contract with another provider aimed at the provision of services that are identical with those defined in the present GTC, Client shall inform Provider of this fact prior to the conclusion of that contract, in writing.

Provider shall be responsible for making the place of service available.

The provision of professional equipment and infrastructure shall be the exclusive obligation of Client.

Provider only provides coaching or consultancy services for such Clients who or whose employees / workers have previously completed training recommended and organized by Provider.

Services shall be provided on workdays in principle. Any deviation from this rule is only possible if Provider agreed with Client in writing that provision of service takes place on weekends or holidays, at the express request of Client.

Provider shall determine the duration of service unilaterally; such duration shall be indicated by Provider in its offer at the latest. Client shall have the right to initiate with Provider the modification of the duration of service, as indicated in Provider’s offer, in which case Parties shall be required to consult in this respect in writing. If Provider accepts the modification of the duration of service proposed by Client, Parties may deviate from the duration originally defined in the offer, based on mutual agreement.

If provision of service used by Client requires the involvement of two or more consultants, Provider shall be entitled to charge and invoice to Client service fee (which includes both the fixed fee and the variable expenses) for every consultant.

In case of using consultancy service, service shall be provided on a given day during 8 (eight) hours. If Client does not use the full time period allocated for provision of service, Provider is still entitled to invoice service fee for the entire 8-hour period. If daily duration of service exceeds 8 hours, the part of the duration of service beyond 8 hours shall be charged at an hourly rate, in such a way that each fraction of an hour shall be charged as a full hour.

In case of consultancy /  coaching / transformation services, Sprint Consulting may also charge a fee in case of activities performed outside the business premises / offices of Client (offsite activities). Offsite activities may include, without limitation, the following: brainstorming, planning, conference calls, production of documents, internal workshops, etc. In case of offsite activities, Spring Consulting shall invoice a fee for a minimum of 1 hour, and each fraction of an hour shall be rounded up for the next full hour.

D) Conditions of use of Online Services

Provider provides Clients with the possibility to use some of its services offered by it online.

Provider informs Clients that, with the exception of special conditions set forth in the present Chapter XII, point D), the use of individual services online shall be subject to the same rules as those specified by Provider in the present GTC with respect to its offline services (i.e. those provided at a physical place).

Provider calls the attention of Clients that a precondition for using online services shall be compliance with the minimum technical conditions defined by Provider.

Information on the minimum technical conditions in connection with the provision of online services shall be published by Provider on its websites www.sprintconsulting.com and www.sprintacademy.com.

Provider reserves the right to unilaterally change the minimum technical conditions in such a way that it shall continuously publish the current set of requirements on its websites identified above.

Provider expressly calls Client’s attention that Client shall be obliged to obtain prior information on the current minimum technical conditions necessary for the use of online services, as well as to ensure the satisfaction of technical conditions in all cases; therefore, Provider hereby excludes its liability for any adverse legal consequences arising from Client’s failure to obtain prior information or to satisfy the minimum technical conditions of the use of the service.

Provider shall take necessary measures in order to ensure that the choice of such software and platforms in course of the provision of online service are suitable for this purpose and are technically appropriate. Provider expressly calls Clients’ attention that,with a view to the fact that in the course of ensuring technical condition of providing the service – including, in particular, platforms and software used for the provision of services – Provider itself is using the services of third parties, and therefore, Provider excludes its liability for any potential disturbance, temporary unavailability or other fault of such services. Provider reserves the right  – in case of certain Clients – that Parties may, on the basis of a mutual agreement, deviate from the use of platform and / or software selected by the Provider for service provision; however, in such a case, all expenses incurred in connection with such deviation shall be borne by Client.

Provider excludes its liability for any fault arising on the side of Client or on the side of participants belonging to the organization of Client, or other circumstances influencing the use of online service that are attributable to reasons arising on Client’s side, including in particular, but without limitation, hardware (e.g. computer, camera), software, or internet connection used by Client or the participant in course of using the service.

Provider provides online services to Clients with the use of the electronic platform as specified by Provider. Provider shall send links allowing access to the interface of the electronic platform used for the service – and, if necessary, data / information for the creation of a user account or to entry – to Client or participants at least 24 (twenty-four) hours before the start of service provision, using e-mail address(es) provided in course of ordering the service.

In possession of the link disclosed in an e-mail message, persons using the individual services may join the process of providing the online service during the period the online service is provided without any limitation of time and may also voluntarily exit from the same.

Provider expressly calls the attention of Clients that, on the one hand, it shall not affect their obligation to pay service fee if they do not join the process of providing the  online service or they are not present online for its entire duration; Provider is entitled to charge and invoice the entire amount of the service fee in such cases also. Provider also calls attention of Clients that in case the selected online service makes it possible to obtain a certification provided by a certain institution, one of the conditions of obtaining such certification is, similarly to the provision of service in a personal (offline) mode, the continuous online presence of participants during the provision of service.

Provider calls Client’s attention, if advance payment of service fees is necessary pursuant to the service provisions in accordance with the rules of Chapter X, the link allowing access to online service shall be sent to Client only if the service fee paid by Client is credited to Provider’s bank account 2 (two) business days before the date of service provision indicated by Provider.

Provider expressly calls the attention of Clients that online services are only provided at the time indicated by Provider (real-time service provision). With a view to this fact, in case Client or participants belonging to Client’s organization, for any reason attributable to them, do not use online the service they have applied for or ordered at the indicated time, they are not entitled to a refund of the service fee, and may not request a waiver of payment of the service fee either, and further, they shall not be entitled to enforce any claims for damages or indemnification.

Provider also calls Client’s attention that conditions of cancellation detailed in Chapter XI shall apply in case of online services as well, in the same way.

XIII. Provisions on confidentialityand copyright

The existing training and other materials of Provider, as well as materials prepared by Provider in the framework of the present contract shall be provided for Client as confidential documents, strictly for internal use only. Client may only use the provided materials at training programmes provided by Provider; Client or any employee of Client or third parties may not use the materials for teaching, and such materials may not be used at any training other than those offered as contractual performance hereunder, and no third parties may be granted access to such materials. The copyright and the right to use such materials shall be retained by Provider.

The materials handed over by Provider to participants, the methodologies applied, as well as other works of intellectual property shall constitute the exclusive property of Provider, and all copyright related to the above shall belong to Provider, without any limitation of time or territory.

With respect to materials handed over by Provider, as well as methodologies disclosed to natural person Clients and to participants delegated by non-natural person Clients, and other intellectual property and works constituting the subject of copyright, such persons shall have only limited right to use. On the basis of this limited right to use, natural person Clients and participants delegated by non-natural person Clients may use or utilise materials handed over, methodologies disclosed, other intellectual property or works subject to copyright only for improving their own knowledge and professional skills. This limitation shall mean, in particular, that any person with access to the materials and knowledge may not organise training or courses, either within or outside Client’s organisation, nor convey to third parties the knowledge and information obtained in connection with the provision of the service in any other way.

The information, facts and data in the materials handed over to natural person Clients or participants delegated by non-natural person Clients using the individual services, methodologies disclosed to them in course of the provision of the services, or intellectual property or works constituting the subject of copyright shall be kept as confidential information, and they may not make the same accessible to third parties in any way.

Provider expressly calls Client’ attention that in case of persons abusing their limited right to use in any way, including in particular, but without limitation, use or utilisation of materials, knowledge, methodologies disclosed to them in the framework of further trainings or courses, for their own benefit or the benefit of third parties, Provider shall be entitled to claim for damages in the amount of EUR 50,000 in case of damages caused by natural person Clients and in the amount of EUR 300,000 in case of damages caused by non-natural person Clients.

In connection with the provision of all types of services, Provider shall have the right to make photographs, audio or video recordings at the events, without any separate fee to be paid to Clients or other participants receiving service.

Neither Clients nor participants receiving service shall have right to make audio or video recordings of the events organised by Provider, for their own purpose or for any other purpose. The above prohibition also applies to Provider’s online services; Clients or participants belonging to the organization of Client may not record online material of events with help of software designated for use in course of the provision of service or provided by the platform, or in any other way. By accepting the present GTC, Client acknowledges and accepts that in case of a breach of obligations in the present section, Client shall pay compensation to Provider for all the damages suffered as a consequence of such breach.

Provider warrants that it has a proper license to use all materials not prepared by Provider itself, software, programmes and other intellectual property works used in connection with the provision of the services, and therefore, such use does not breach the copyright or any other right of third parties.

XIV. Special provisions pertaining to Consumers

If a user of services shall be considered a Consumer, provisions of the present section shall also be applicable to the legal relationship concluded between Provider and Client.

With the use of suitable, efficient and accessible technical means, Provider shall warrant that Client may identify and correct any errors of data entry through the online application interface available on websites  www.sprintconsulting.com and www.sprintacademy.com before submitting his / her application.

With a view to the fact that Provider ensures for Client the possibility to check application forms and to correct any data entry errors prior to submitting the application, Provider shall not be held liable for any damage either that may arise from erroneous data entry by Client.

Clients considered as Consumers shall have the right to withdraw the contract without providing reasons, which right may be exercised for 14 days from the date of the conclusion of the contract. Provider calls Client’s attention that he / she shall lose his / her right of termination after performance of the whole of the service if Provider started the performance with the express, prior consent of Client, which is acknowledged and accepted by Client by way of accepting the GTC.

Client shall reimburse Provider for all reasonable expenses incurred if the right to withdraw the contract without providing reasons is exercised after the starting of performance.

If Client terminates the contract within 14 days prescribed by law for the exercise of the right to withdraw the contract without providing reasons after the starting of the performance by Provider, he/she shall pay to Provider service fee proportionate to services performed until the notice of termination was given. The proportionate amount of service fee to be paid by Client shall be determined on the basis of the full amount of consideration set in the contract including taxes.

If Client is able to prove that the amount of payable service fee is excessively high, a proportionate amount shall be calculated on the basis of market value of services performed until the date of termination. In determining market value, consideration for identical services provided by enterprises performing identical services at the time of the conclusion of the contract shall be taken into consideration.

Provider expressly calls Client’s attention that, from the point of view of the exercise of right of termination in accordance with the above, start of the performance shall be considered when Provider confirmed the provision of service for Client, irrespective of the fact that the actual provision of service takes place at a later time, as defined in the confirmation.

Client may exercise his / her right of termination within the 14-day time limit set by law, by way of a clear, addressed and written notice sent to Provider. Client may also use the declaration form of termination constituting the annex to the GTC.

Client may exercise his / her right of termination without providing reason by way of sending to Provider his / her notice before the end of the applicable 14-day time limit.

The rules applicable to the exercise of Client’s right of withdrawal and termination shall be included in the instructions constituting the annex to this GTC.

If Client has any complaint in connection with the services used by him / her, Client may submit a written complaint to Provider. Provider calls the attention of Client that complaints related to provision of services may be submitted within 15 (fifteen) days after the performance of obligations pertaining to provision of service.

Client may submit his / her complaints in writing, by postal or electronic mail, using the following contact information:

Provider shall investigate written complaints within 30 (thirty) days after receiving them and shall inform Client of the results of such investigation, as well as of options for legal remedy available to Client in case of the rejection of his / her complaint.

In case of the rejection of his / her complaint, Client may contact the competent board of arbitration according to Client’s address of permanent or temporary residence or Provider’s registered seat. Provider shall be bound by an obligation to cooperate in the proceedings of the board of arbitration.

The board of arbitration according to Provider’s registered seat is the Board of Arbitration in Budapest, which has the following contact information:

Board of Arbitration in Budapest

  • registered seat: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99., III/310
  • mailing address: 1253 Budapest, P.O. Box 10
  • website:www.bekeltet.hu
  • e-mail address: bekelteto.testulet@bkik.hu 
  • phone number: +36 (1) 488 2131
  • fax: +36 (1) 488 21 86.

Client may find the registered seat, phone number and website, as well as the mailing and e-mail addresses of the board of arbitration according to his Client’s address of permanent or temporary residence at this link.

The online dispute resolution platform provided by the European Union serves as a forum for alternative dispute resolution of disputes between Consumers resident in the EU against traders established in the EU, arising from online sales or service contracts. The European Online Dispute Resolution Platform can be reached at this link.

XV. Miscellaneous provisions

Parties undertake an obligation that in course of performance of their obligations arising from the present contract, they shall act at all times in compliance with the relevant provisions of law, in line with the duty of good faith and fair dealings, and shall mutually cooperate with each other.

Provider considers the provisions of the present GTC, as well as the information published on the websites www.sprintconsulting.com and www.sprintacademy.com as binding upon itself, and shall act in all cases in the interest of the performance of the same as may be generally expected in the given situation.

In the course of exercising their rights and performance of their obligations arising from the legal relationship concluded by the acceptance of this GTC, each Parties shall act with attention to the rightful interests and good business reputation of the other party.

Provider calls the attention of Client if Provider does not exercise any of its rights provided by the present GTC, this shall not constitute a waiver of such right by Provider.

Provider hereby excludes its liability for any damage arising as a result of errors or deficiencies of websites www.sprintconsulting.com and www.sprintacademy.com, or electronic interface used for submission of applications.

If bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings are effectively ordered against either Provider or a non-natural person Client, the other Party may terminate the individual written agreement or the framework contract based on the provisions of the present GTC with immediate effect, i.e. Client may refuse further use of the services, and Provider may refuse further provision of the services. Parties shall settle accounts with each other concerning the services the performance of which has already been started by Provider at the time of the termination.

Without prior, express consent of Provider, Client shall not have the right to engage the trainers, consultants and other participants designated by Provider, directly or indirectly, either in employment or in any other legal relationship aimed at the performance of work. Further, without the prior, express consent of Provider, Client shall not have the right to conclude any contractual relationship with trainers, consultants and other participants, either directly or indirectly, via any affiliates or other business of Client.

The above prohibitions shall be applicable during the existence of the contractual relationship between Provider and Client, as well as for 2 (two) years after termination of the same. If Client breaches the above prohibition, he / she / it shall pay indemnification to Provider in the amount of EUR 100,000 (one hundred thousand euros) net for each person affected by the prohibition.

During the performance of the contract, as well as with respect to all questions arising in connection with the provision of services, Provider and Client shall maintain contact with each other in writing, by way of electronic mail. Provider shall send all notices, information and legal declarations to the e-mail address provided by Client at the time of application or the ordering of services. Provider shall accept all messages sent by Client at the info@sprintconsulting.com e-mail address.

In case of any change in the e-mail address of Client provided at the time of application or ordering of service, Client shall notify Provider of such change without delay. Provider shall not be held liable for any adverse legal consequences arising as a consequence of Client’s failure to give the above notice.

The present GTC shall be effective from 25th March 2020; it was published on 25th March 2020.



about types of service fees and costs arising in connection with provision of services of

Sprint Consulting Kft. (hereinafter Provider)

about determination of HUF / EUR exchange rate by Provider

and about the minimum technical requirements of using online services

Public / open training / workshop

Service fee contains two parts: on the one hand from attendance fee in the strict sense of the term, and on the other hand from variable costs arising in course of service providing. Attendance fee contains daily allowance and travel allowance, per-diem costs of trainers delegated by Provider, and also all expenses arising in connection with training and other materials which are made available for Clients, and costs which are arising from providing the place of service.

Service fee paid by Client includes the costs of catering services and the above mentioned additional costs, and Provider is entitled to invoice fixed and variable costs as separate items.

In-house training / workshop

Unless agreed otherwise by the Parties, service fee covers the fees of attendance on training / workshop and service fee also covers all expenses arising in connection with training and other materials which are made available for Clients.

In the following cases Provider is entitled to charge variable costs in addition to the attendance fee; these costs are invoiced by Provider as separate items in the invoice. Provider always defines the maximum amount of variable costs arising in course of provision of service individually, based on information provided by Client in course of ordering the service. The maximum amount of variable costs may be defined for each day of training/workshop or number of participant person or groups. Provider calls the Client’s attention, with regards to circumstances of service provision that invoiced costs may not reach the maximum amount of costs defined by Provider in advance.

If the place of service provided by Provider is not the same as the registered seat of Provider, Client pays daily allowance and travel allowance, per-diem costs of trainers delegated by Provider, Clientalso pays travel and accommodation expenses of trainers delegated by Provider.

If training / workshops take place on weekends at the express request of Client, Provider is entitled to define a certain amount of extra fee at the time of confirmation of the ordered service, which shall be paid by Client.

Coaching, consultation, transformation, assessment services

Service fee contains per diem costs of consultant(s) delegated by Provider, as well as expenses arising in connection with training and other materials which are made available for Client in all cases.

In the following cases Provider is entitled to charge variable costs in addition to per diem costs of consultant(s). These variable costs are invoiced by Provider as separate items in the invoice. Provider always defines the maximum amount of variable costs arising in course of provision of service individually, based on information provided by Client in course of ordering of service. Maximum amount of variable costs may be defined for each day of consultation. Provider calls the Client’s attention, with regards to circumstances of service provision that invoiced costs may not reach the maximum amount of costs defined by Provider in advance.

If the place of service provided by Provider is not the same as the registered seat of Provider, Client pays daily allowance and travel allowance, per-diem costs of trainers delegated by Provider, Client also pays travel and accommodation expenses of trainers delegated by Provider.

If the service takes place on weekends at the express request of Client, Provider shall be entitled to define a certain amount of extra charge at the time of confirmation of the ordered service, which shall be paid by Client.

HUF / EUR exchange rate used by Provider

In accordance with the provisions of Provider’s General Terms and Conditions, Article X., if Client pays service fee to Provider in a currency other than the service fee specified, Provider converts the paid service fee on the basis of the individually determined HUF / EUR exchange rate: 1 EUR = 365 HUF.

The above mentioned exchange rate is valid for 6 (six) months from the date of its publication, but Provider holds the right to adjust the exchange rate in case the HUF / EUR exchange rate published by the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB) differs from the exchange rate published by Provider by at least + / – 2%.

Minimum technical requirements of using online services

  • laptop or desktop with stable internet connection
  • enabled webcam
  • enabled audio (speakers or headphones)
  • microphone (internal or external)

The present announcement is valid from 25th March, 2020 until its modification or revocation by Provider.


Instructions on withdrawal / termination for clients who shall be deemed as consumer

Exercise of termination right / right to withdraw the contract

Provided that you qualify as a consumer, you are entitled towithdraw the contractwithout providing reasons, which right consumers may exercise for 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. Deadline of termination / withdrawal expires in 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract for using services provided by our Company.

We would like to call your attention, that you lose your right of termination after performance of the whole service if the performance of service was started with your expressly given prior consent.

If you want to exercise your right to withdraw the contract / right of termination you shall send your notice about withdrawal or termination (by post or e-mail) to the following address: Sprint Consulting Kft., 1082 Budapest, Corvin sétány 2. A, info@sprintconsulting.com. In the course of exercising your rights you are entitled to use a declaration form prepared by our Company specially for that purpose.

You exercise your right of withdrawal or termination in a timely manner in caseyou send your notice before the end of the applicable 14-day time limit by post or e-mail.

Legal effects of withdrawal / termination

If you withdraw the contract without providing reasons in 14 days from conclusion of the contract, service fee shall be reimbursed without any delay but within 14 days of receipt your withdrawal notice  at the latest. Service fee shall be reimbursed the same way you applied when paying service fee, unless you expressly consent to another payment method. Irrespective from the method of reimbursement you chose, additional costs will be borne by us.

We hereby inform you that in case you exercise your right of termination without providing reasons after our Company started the performance of services and before provision of the whole service, on the one hand you are obliged to pay service fee proportionate to services already provided by our Company, on the other hand all reasonable costs shall be reimbursed by you which may incurred by our Company in connection with provision of services until delivery of your termination notice.

We expressly call your attention that, in case of termination, the start of service performance shall be considered when our Company confirmed the provision of service for you, irrespective of the fact that provision of service actually takes place at a later time, as defined in the confirmation letter.

Our Company guarantees that the total amount will be reimbursed which remains after deduction of payable service fee and costs proportionate to services already provided by our Company.

Budapest, 25th March, 2020

Sprint Consulting Kft.


Declaration of exercising right of withdrawal / termination

(to be filled in and sent back only in case of exercising right of withdrawal / termination)



I, the undersigned hereby declare that I exercise my right to withdraw the contract / right of termination in connection with contract of personal service provision:[2]




Date of conclusion of the contract:


Name of consumer:


Address of consumer:


Signature of consumer (necessary only in case of paper-based declaration):


Dated: ………………………………… (place), ……………………(day) …………………(month), 20………………… (year)

[1] Write here the name, postal address, phone number and e-mail address of the company providing the service.

[2] Write here the service provided by the company based on the individual service agreement.