C# from 1.0 to 7.0 for Beginners
5 days
English, Hungarian
computers needed
optionally yes
This training course teaches C# for beginner developers. The course primarily introduces the language itself, but the topic is inevitably touch several features of the .NET Framework too. To learn about the features of the .NET class library, we suggest Course 20-483 Programming in C#.
The course is available in the following programming languages: C#.
Beginner software developers who has basic knowledge of at least one other language like VB, VB.NET, Delphi, C, C++, Java or JavaScript.
This course is mainly constructed for aspiring .NET programmers who want to learn C# from the beginning. We expect participants have some programming experience before they start this course. Ideally they’ll feel comfortable with loops and branching in programming. We’ll show you how to write loops and branches in C#, but the course will be easier if you have some of these fundamental programming concepts already.
Module: C# 1.0
Hello World, Visual Studio introduction, Types and Variables, Value and Reference Types, CLS, CTS, CLR, Conditional statements, Iteration Statements, Operators, Arrays, Classes, Methods, Structs, Strings, DateTimes, Scopes, Accessibility Modifiers and Namespaces, Referencing Assemblies, Creating components, Enums, Delegates, Events, Exceptions. Inheritance, Aggregation, Polymorphism, Interfaces, Virtual and Abstract methods,
Module: C# 2.0
Generics, Iterators, Partial Classes, Nullable Types, Anonymous Methods, Namespace alias qualifier, Static Classes, External Assembly Alias, Property Accessor Accessibility, Covariance and Contravariance in Delegates, Fixed Size Buffers, Friend Assemblies, Inline warning control, volatile keyword.
Module: C# 3.0
Lambda Expressions, Extension Methods, Implicitly Typed Local Variables, Anonymous Types, Auto properties, Object initialization, Partial Methods, Linq, Expression Trees.
Module: C# 4.0
Dynamic programming, Named and optional parameters, Covariance and Contravariance, Type Equivalence and Embedded Interop Types
Module: C# 5.0
Asynchronous Methods, Caller Information, Capturing changes,
Module: C# 6.0
Read-only Auto-properties, Auto-Property Initializers, Expression-bodied function members, using static, Null – conditional operators, String Interpolation, Exception filters, nameof Expressions, await in catch and finally blocks, index initializers, Extension methods for collection initializers, Improved overload resolution
Module: C# 7.0
Out variables, Tuples, Pattern Matching, Ref locals and returns, Local Functions, More expression bodied members, Throw expressions, Generalized async return types, Numeric literal syntax improvements.
- Duration: 5 Days.
- Classroom with computers is required
- English handout and the source code of the demo applications will be provided for the participants.
- 2 whiteboards and a beamer with HDMI is required.
- No exam associated with this course.